+ 55 11 9 8788-0131|  sgbrasil@sgbras.com.br


To meet the needs of this complex application we have been searching for the best technologies. This application has many peculiarities, so there is a need for blankets with different characteristics and sometimes different assemblies. One of the fundamental characteristics is the mechanical resistance, however, it is not the only one, and there must be perfect combination with other features like; compressibility, hardness and others. It is also worth noting that our blankets have excellent results both in conventional and UV inks. Here you will not only find the best blanket for this application, but the technical assistance you need. Talk to our technicians.

Roughness (RA): CAST/LISA;
Stretching(%): <0,8;
Break(N/mm): >60;
Compressibility(N/cm²): CONVENTIONAL